Primary production,
grains and soya
Southern corridor,
Ndolela, Ifunda
and Makete
Tanzania Cropping
Comprised of three irrigated row cropping farms in Iringa and Ndolela. The businesses are focused on the production of malting barley, soya beans and seed maize, amongst others.
Silverlands Ndolela has 1,500ha under irrigation, compared with 115ha at purchase. An irrigated farm of this size is unusual in Tanzania and there are probably no more than two or three of a comparable size. In addition to irrigation, the expansion has involved a significant investment in infrastructure such as hydro-electric power, housing, sheds and storage.
The farms "double crop", producing soya beans and a range of seed-crops in the summer and, barley, wheat and canola in the winter. Seed-crops include seed maize, seed beans and seed-potatoes. The addition of avocados adds profitability.